Deaf Community Services of San Diego and the Judicial Council of California have an amazing legal training coming to you February 24th and 25th, 2018 in Sacramento and March 24th and 25th 2018 in Monterey!
"Interpreting a Mock Trail: Putting Theory into Practice" is an interactive workshop where participants will learn about interpreting in court settings. There also will be a mock trial to put your newly learned skills into practice! There is no legal interpreting experience required to attend this workshop! RID certification is required.
Carla Mathers, ESQ, CSC, SC:L and Pasch McCombs CI/CT, NAD V, NIC-Master, SC:L will be leading this two-day training. Both are experts in the field and you will be learning from the BEST!
The best part? This workshop is only $95.00 for both days! And includes 1.2 CEUs!!
These workshops will fill up fast, so please respond to this email to reserve your spot! Payment and registration information will be sent to you once I receive your email.
If you are interested in participating in the mock trial as an "actor", please email us as well! We need about 10 actors to make the mock trial happen! A $75.00 stipend will be paid for your participation! We need deaf and hearing actors. No sign language experience is required.
For more information email:
SaVRID, P.O. Box 255084, Sacramento, CA 95865-5084Email the board at